Ruislip Gardens Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding is money given to schools from the DfE to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers. At Ruislip Gardens Pupil Premium funding is continually used to narrow the attainment gap between Pupil Premium children and their peers as well as to accelerate the progress of all Pupil Premium children. In line with the 2015 Disadvantaged Pupils Report we direct resources towards quality first teaching provision and use a range of data and evidence sources to ensure highly skilled staff are deployed where they are most needed. In addition to this Pupil Premium is allocated on a child-by-child basis to ensure that every child is in school punctually, in the correct uniform and able to access the same curricular and extracurricular opportunities as their peers.

Ruislip Gardens is a larger than average primary school. The most significant of our ethnic groups is White British, followed by Indian and White Eastern European. The proportion of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities who are being supported in school is slightly lower than the national average. The proportion of children entitled to Pupil Premium Funding and Free School Meals is just below the national average. The key barriers for our disadvantaged pupils are attendance, punctuality, SEN, EAL and parental engagement. At Ruislip Gardens we are committed to ensuring all children fulfil their potential and reach for excellence.


Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2026

Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2024

Service Pupil Premium

The Service Pupil Premium is provided by the Department for Education, to State maintained schools, Free schools and Academies in England who have children of Regular Armed Forces personnel among their pupil population to provide additional (mainly pastoral) support.

Our Service Premium strategy aims to address the main barriers our children and their families face and to reduce disadvantages. Eligible schools receive the Service Pupil Premium so that they can offer mainly pastoral support during challenging times and to help mitigate the negative impact on service children of family mobility or parental deployment.

Through rigorous tracking, careful planning and targeted support we aim to provide all children the access and opportunities to enjoy academic success and most importantly to continue to have success and happiness if that be with us at Ruislip Gardens or another school setting.

We will make appropriate provision for all pupils who belong to Service families. Our provision is inclusive of our large proportion of SP pupils and how their unique circumstances may put them at a disadvantage.


Ruislip Gardens Primary School Service Premium Provision Mp 2022-2023