Ruislip Gardens Primary School expect all pupils to abide by our uniform policy and are required to wear the below items of uniform. All uniform is compulsory unless stated otherwise.
EYFS Uniform
Branded logo v-necked embroidered jumper/cardigan/fleece
Plain White-collared polo shirt (Badged polo shirts are optional)
Plain black tracksuit bottoms
Grey school dress/Skirt
In Summer, children may wear a green and white gingham dress or grey shorts (Optional)
Comfortable black shoes (No trainers or boots) with velcro fastening
Branded green Logo book bag
Outdoor Learning Kit (see below)
Main School Uniform
Branded logo jumper/cardigan/fleece
Plain white-collared T-shirt/shirt (Badged polo shirts are optional)
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
Black school shoes (velcro fastening for younger pupils)
In Summer, children may wear a green and white gingham dress or grey shorts (Optional)
Grey or green tights
Grey or white socks
KS1: Branded green logo book bag
KS2 : Small black rucksack or use of own small bag
P.E Kit (Children come dressed in P.E kits on P.E days)
Plain white T-shirt
Plain black shorts/black (plain) jogging bottoms (NO leggings or cycling shorts)
Black plimsolls
Outdoor Learning Kit (to remain in school in a named bag for outdoor leaning activities)
Wellington boots
Spare tracksuit bottoms
Spare waterproof coat
Warm socks
In addition to abiding by the Uniform Policy we do ask that children respect the following:
Children refrain from a very close shave or intricate head shavings
Children refrain from wearing nail varnish
Earrings, religious artefacts, watches, hair slides etc. are not worn on PE days
Any earrings or jewellery should be small and plain only
Watches may be worn but not Smart watches or Fitbits.
Head scarves are to be plain coloured and white, black, grey or green
Any hair accessories (ties/bands/bows etc.) are to be plain white, black, grey or green and of a practical size
Local suppliers:
Adams Schoolwear in Ruislip Manor - stock the branded logo'd item's e.g. jumpers, cardigans, fleeces and book bags.
Generic items, such as trousers, dresses and polo shirts, can be purchased for a reasonable price from supermarkets and high street stores such as Primark and H&M. Additionally, Marks and Spencers sell an ‘easy dressing’ range which includes a range of adaptable clothing items to support children with a variety of needs and conditions.
All items can be purchased from the above School uniform supplier or at other High street/online retailers/Supermarkets as above or of the parent/carers choice.
Nearly new:
STARs (PTA) hold second hand uniform sales throughout the year. Information will be advertised via notice boards and emails. You can also contact STARs on uniform@ruislipgardensschool.co.uk for any uniform requirements.